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Disability access fund

If you provide funded early education entitlement (FEEE) places for any children who receive disability living allowance (DLA), your setting is eligible to receive disability access funding (DAF), which is £910.00 per child. This is a one-off payment paid to a provider on an annual basis (one payment per financial year). The payment can only be made to one provider and cannot be split so where a child received provision at more than one provider the parent will need to decide which setting will receive the DAF payment.

The purpose of the DAF is to help the childcare provider make reasonable adjustments at their setting to improve the child's access to funded early education. It is paid directly to the childcare provider and they need to work with the parent to decide how it should be spent. The DAF cannot be used towards childcare fees or providing more FEEE hours.

The process for qualification is as follows:

  • Parents of children qualifying for Disability Living Allowance (DLA) will be required to provide you with evidence of this entitlement. You will need to take copy of any documentation that is provided to prove this.
  • The provider is required to submit an application via the Disability Access Fund process in the Provider Portal. Copies of the evidence and the parent agreement form will be required
  • A spot payment will then be made to that provider for their annual payment.
  • The parent will be required to provide evidence on an annual basis - payment in any further financial years will not be automatic. The process will need to be followed every financial year that the child qualifies for additional payment.

DAF Payment Dates

We make DAF payments twice each term. Depending on the date your application is submitted you will be included in the first or second payment.

Term Applications Submitted By Payment On or Before
Summer 2023 10 May 2023 21 June 2023
Summer 2023 28 June 2023 * 31 August 2023
Autumn 2023 27 September 2023 8 November 2023
Autumn 2023 22 November 2023* 31 December 2023
Spring 2024 31 January 2024 13 March 2024
Spring 2024 8 March 2024* 31 March 2024
Summer 2024 8 May 2024 19 June 2024
Summer 2024 28 June 2024* 31 August 2024
Autumn 2024 25 September 2024 6 November 2024
Autumn 2024 29 November 2024* 31 December 2024
Spring 2025 29 January 2025 12 March 2025
Spring 2025 12 March 2025* 31 March 2025

*Any applications submitted after this date will be paid with the 1st DAF Payment of the following term.

Any questions should be directed to in the first instance. More information is available on HM Revenue & Customs website.