Early years and childcare school-based provision
Autumn 2024 - DfE funding for school-based nursery provision
In this initial phase, schools can bid for up to £150,000 of capital funding from the DfE to create or expand school-based nursery provision by using surplus space in primary-phase school buildings.
Support and guidance
To find out about Essex and DfE guidance and support on establishing a school-based nursery, use the following online information and downloads:
These guides detail what you need to consider if you wish to open nursery provision at your school, including:
- delivery models
- Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) statutory framework (including space and welfare requirements)
- DfE technical standards for buildings and grounds
- Ofsted or other school premises legislation
- making significant changes to your school
Essex County Council contacts who can help support your school:
Children's Community Development Leads (CCDLs) can:
- advise on the local childcare sufficiency situation
- provide links to facilitate partnership working with other childcare providers and local organisation
Email: CCDL@essex.gov.uk
Business Management Consultants (BMCs) can:
- offer information, advice and guidance on business planning and cash flow forecasting
- advise on business and school models
Email: BMC@essex.gov.uk
School organisation officers can advise:
- if the empty school space is available for a nursery provision
- on making changes to a school PAN
- whether a school's roll is likely to rise or fall over the next 5 years
Email: School.organisation@essex.gov.uk