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Important update regarding the Education Essex online booking system

03 May 2024
Woman sitting at a table with a laptop

Education Essex is excited to announce the transition to a new online booking system which is set to launch in the second half of the summer term, in preparation for the September 2024 offer. This upgrade comes after considering customer feedback and aims to centralise the process for our educational courses and school improvement traded services.


Early years and childcare providers who have engaged with the existing Education Essex online booking system in the past two years will be automatically registered on the new system, with the freedom to opt-out.


Key features of the new booking system:

  • account migration: users of our current system will receive separate communications about the transition in due course
  • integration: existing courses and traded school improvement services on a single platform
  • unified experience: the new system will allow users to browse, book and pay for services through a single platform
  • minimised disruption: efforts will be made to minimise any disruption and the current booking system will remain active for bookings until 5 July

Communication and support:

  • communication and support will be provided to our schools and providers throughout the summer term to facilitate a smooth transition
  • user guides and videos will be available for schools and providers to help with using the new system
  • as always, early years and childcare providers can contact the Workforce Development team inbox and telephone helpline if they need support at any time

Advice for users of the current Education Essex online booking system


Individual users

  • check your account details and revisit your marketing preferences by 24 May 2024. You can do this by visiting your 'My Details' tile from your homepage
  • download any course resources and certificate by 5 July 2024. You can do this by visiting your 'My Courses' tile from your home page, open the documents and save to your own device
  • save a copy of your individual training record by 5 July 2024. You can do this by visiting your 'My Courses' tile from your home page, select 'convert to PDF' and save to your own device

Training managers

  • check your employee details are correct and update where needed by 24 May 2024. Instructions on how to do this can be found on the training and qualifications page

Thankyou for your cooperation, ensuring your account is up to date will make the process much easier if we transfer your account to our new system.

If you have any questions, email