The call came at around 11.30am, this is where the relationship between yourself and the inspector begins. I urge you to have a “call” sheet prepped with all the official information about your setting, regardless of it being stored in your head as when that call comes it’s hard to retrieve your name. Make time to contact your parents for some testimonials about your setting, our inspector read all of them.
Make your inspector feel welcome, have a sign up informing the parents, offer to reserve a parking space for your inspector. Remembering that they are your guest for the day.
Do what you do everyday, don’t change anything for that visit even if you are tempted to. Don’t get out resources that the children have never seen- use what they know and do what they know, trust me it works. Your children are your best audience.
Be confident in knowing your children and walk the Learning walk with pride, share everything about your amazing setting, interacting with the children all the time. Smile and enjoy!