Every Local Authority has a duty to publish an annual childcare sufficiency assessment, this is public data that can be accessed by anyone interested in the childcare market. It could be new providers looking to set up a business or maybe a housing developer who wants to know about the need for potential contributions towards local infrastructure. We use your data to advise on the feasibility of start-ups in areas where there is a surplus of vacant places to support the sustainability of the local childcare market. We also use your data to support parents and carers looking for childcare solutions in their area, the information you supply is essential in ensuring that parents are able to secure local childcare options, and for us to provide the support and brokerage parents need when this isn’t possible.
The following link will take you to the data collection page on the Essex Early Years website. Here you will find some useful guides that may refresh your memory Funding/DataCollection
We will be sending information and details via email, of an online session on 7st June, (10.00 until 11.30) where there will be a short demo, followed by an opportunity to ask questions and we will be able to assist with any specific difficulties.
So put on your summer clothes, fill up your paddling pools and start counting your vacancies now!