The Ofsted inspection ‘learning walk’ is an opportunity to demonstrate how you organise the setting, so take time to plan it well in advance and involve all staff so they will be confident during inspection. It is a discussion and observation opportunity so establish a clear, transparent and honest conversation with the inspector. Explain your ethos, rationale for your curriculum, including support for parents and children during the ‘COVID lockdown’ periods. Don’t try to cover anything up, discuss areas for improvement and celebrate where you have made progress and share the impact.
Take time to explain how you monitor provision to ensure it is effective in meeting children’s needs and keeping children safe. Provide as much information as possible so the inspector understands your setting. The notification call is the beginning of this process, make sure you are confident with the Ofsted inspection documents which support you in ‘framing’ the learning walk around the key inspection headings. Practice the learning walk, build confidence and understand it will evolve as does everything in the early years.
Education inspection framework
Early years inspection handbook
North-East Early Years Education Partners