Information and guidance about wraparound childcare
Funding opportunities are now open
In Spring 2023 the government announced a national wraparound programme. The aim is to support all working families that need it, to access wraparound childcare from 8am to 6pm, in their local area.
Essex County Council are committed to work with providers to ensure there is sufficient provision for all parents that require it from September 2024.
Wraparound childcare
The term ‘wraparound childcare’ refers to provision directly before and after the school day, during school term time for primary school age children. The provision can be offered by schools, or private, voluntary, and independent (PVI) providers. This includes childminders and early years settings. The provision could be run on a school site or at another setting in the area.
It should not require parents to pick their children up from school and drop them off at another location.
Funding opportunities
To support this programme the Department for Education announced £6.9 million of funding for Essex over the next 2 years to assist with the creation of new childcare places for primary school aged children from 8am until 6pm during term time.
Provider communications and updates
The government’s ambition is, that by 2026, all parents and carers of primary aged children will be able to access Ofsted registered term time childcare in their local area.
This needs to be available to all children whose parents require it, including children with SEND. The aim is to make it easier for parents to access employment.
The funding will be for revenue expenditure only.
What you could do with revenue funding to create wraparound provision
contribute to start up/expansion and running costs
training for wraparound staff, including playwork or specialist training for staff to ensure they feel equipped to support children with additional needs
transport hire to wraparound provision while demand builds
staffing costs
How much can I apply for?
- £10,000 for the first academic term
- subsequent termly funding will be available through a monitoring process
- ongoing funding will be based upon subsequent shortfalls and will cease at breakeven point
Funding opportunities for wrapround are now open. Funding will be awarded on a rolling basis until all revenue funds have been allocated.
Relevant documents
These documents provide information advice and guidance regarding wraparound childcare and should be reviewed prior to making an application:
- wraparound revenue service specification (Word, 59KB)
- priority lists (Excel, 43KB)
- wraparound childcare essential criteria (Word, 38KB)
- wraparound business plan guidance notes (Word, 123KB)
- wraparound childcare key considerations document (Word, 46KB)
- a Word version of the application form to familiarise yourself with the questions (Word, 43KB)
- wraparound revenue scoring matrix (Word, 32KB)
Making an application
- apply using the online application form
- complete and upload the wraparound childcare business plan (Word, 116KB)
- complete and upload the reforms three-year cashflow template (Excel, 93KB)
- wraparound Revenue Application Process - Essex County Council - YouTube
The following additional documents for your setting are also required:
- safeguarding policy
- staffing structure
- admissions policy
- lease agreement (if applicable)
- written confirmation of consent from school to deliver on school site (if applicable)
For further queries or information email