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Section 23 Notification - for use by health professionals only

Pre-school Children with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) Early Identification and Notification Form (Section 23)


Integrated Care Boards (ICB), NHS Trusts and NHS Foundation Trusts must inform the appropriate Local Authority (LA) if they identify a child under compulsory school age as having or probably having a disability or special educational need (Section 23 of the Children and Families Act 2014).


Purpose of the Notification Form

The Notification Form is to advise the LA of a preschool child who is likely to have a special educational need and/or disability. Providing this information will support the planning of services and future commissioning countywide.


Information sharing and data protection

  • the form may be reviewed for quality assurance purposes
  • identifying information will always be removed from reports
  • the service that the child and family receive will not be affected by this process
  • providers of health services and Essex County Council (ECC) use the information provided to consider the needs of the child
  • further discussions may be required with agencies to ensure services are planned and available to meet the needs of the child
  • these organisations may also share relevant information with the Department for Education (DfE), central or local government agencies and public bodies as required to meet statutory obligations


Health professionals only, complete the Section 23 Notification Form.

Health professionals requiring help to complete the online form, download Section 23 online form how to guide (PDF, 341KB).


Contact us

If you have reviewed the how to guide and require further help email: Children's personal details should not be included in your email.