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Information and guidance about FEEE1W and FEEE2W

Upcoming changes to childcare support

From April 2024, existing childcare support will be expanded in phases. By September 2025, most working families with children under the age of 5 will be entitled to 30 hours of childcare support.

The changes are being introduced gradually to make sure that providers can meet the needs of more families:

  • from April 2024, eligible working parents will be able to access 15 hours funded childcare from the term after the child turns 2 years old
  • from September 2024, eligible working parents will be able to access 15 hours funded childcare from the term after the child turns 9 months old
  • from September 2025, eligible working parents will be able to access 30 hours funded childcare from the term after the child turns 9 months old

Like the existing offer, depending on the childcare providers offer, these hours can be used over 38 weeks of the year (during school term time), or up to 52 weeks using fewer hours per week.


How do families apply?

From 2nd January 2024, eligible working families will be able to submit their applications for 15 hours funded childcare for 2 years olds via Childcare Choices. The will be given a code, usually beginning 50, which they can then give to their childcare provider. Parents will be required to review every 3 months via their Childcare Choices portal.


Under 3s capital expansion grant

Starting from April 2024, existing childcare support will be expanded in phases. By September 2025, most working families with children under the age of five, will be entitled to 30 hours of childcare support.

Essex County Council have received £2,857,359 in Capital funding to provide 30 hours funded childcare for eligible families from the term after they turn 9 months old by September 2025. This funding will be used to support early years providers to create additional 0-3 year old childcare places. The advertisement process for this funding has closed. Please look out for any further updates on funding via the website, weekly EYS communications or contact for any further questions.