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How to apply

Follow the steps below to apply, noting the important information given:


  • explain to the child's parent(s)/carer(s) that the application will be read by a panel of ECC officers
  • provide them with information relating to ECC's legal basis under the UK General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR); ECC's lawful basis for processing the data as part of the funding application process are public task and legal obligation. The statutory duty is set out in the Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice 2015.
  • from 2 July 2024, apply here using the online form
  • submit according to the application windows for each term:
  • upload a copy of the child's one plan (or SEND support plan) along with any other relevant evidence
  • the one plan should include;
    • a clear assessment of the child's needs and practical implications both at the setting and at home
    • SMART targets (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound) relevant to supporting the child's needs and monitoring progress
    • evidence of provision that goes beyond high quality practice and available resources including details of frequency, intensity, and implementation of strategies and interventions
    • regular, dated reviews covering all sections of the one plan including assessment of need, parental views and the child's progress within whole group, small group and individual contexts
    • evidence that the one plan has been co-produced to include parents, professionals and the child's voice
    • for children with a medical need, the one plan should reflect parent opinion and the impact of any health issues on the child's education; a healthcare plan MUST also be submitted

Useful resources

For more information on One planning, download the One Planning Guide (PDF, 1.26MB)

Review the SENIF EY Banding descriptors (PDF, 130KB)

For further guidance on supporting children with medical needs, download the following:

Medical needs checklist and example template (Word, 82KB)

Children with medical needs in school (Word, 69KB)

Supporting pupils with medical conditions (DfE)