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Safeguarding training and development

On this page:

  • Framework for safeguarding training in Essex Early Years settings
  • Level 1 training
  • Level 2 training
  • Level 3 training

Framework for safeguarding training in Essex Early Years settings

Working Together to Safeguard Children (DfE, 2018) and Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Statutory Framework set out that providers must train all staff to understand their safeguarding policy and procedures, and ensure that they have up to date knowledge of safeguarding issues.

Training must enable staff to identify signs of possible abuse and neglect at the earliest opportunity, and to respond in a timely and appropriate way. In addition, Ofsted requires settings to have clear and effective arrangements for staff development and training on child protection.

To assist settings in meeting the above requirements we, in partnership with the Essex Safeguarding Children Board (ESCB), have introduced a framework for safeguarding training and also a range of resources to support settings in delivering this. This new framework includes the ESCB training levels (available on their Learning and Development page) and the following:

  • Level 1 training - all staff in the EYFS sector should access Level 1 training - it is best practice to have this as part of your induction process for all new staff
  • Level 2 training - all staff within a setting should have Level 2 training, initially at induction for new staff and then annually for all staff
  • Level 3 training - all Lead (Safeguarding) Practitioners, deputy Lead (Safeguarding) Practitioners and Childminders must access Level 3 training. This should be undertaken every 2 years

How to access and deliver each training level:

Level 1 training

All staff in the EYFS sector should access Level 1 training. This provides a basic understanding of safeguarding. It is best practice for settings to have this as part of the induction process for all new staff.

Level 2 training

In this section:

  • Who needs to access Level 2 training and how often
  • How to access Level 2 training
  • Resources to support in-house Level 2 training

Who needs to access Level 2 training and how often

All staff in the early years setting must undertake Level 2 training.

New staff should receive this training as part of their induction – this should be undertaken as soon as practicably possible after employment. Level 2 training must be repeated annually for all staff and updates to the training should be undertaken throughout the year. We have collated resources below to support with this requirement.

How to access Level 2 training

This can be done in 3 ways:

  1. The Lead (Safeguarding ) Practitioner can deliver Level 2 training to staff. The Education Safeguarding Team has produced resources to support this option which can be found in the Resources section below
  2. Staff can access Level 2 training from an external source - our preferred provider in Essex is Anster. The Local Authority has a contract with Anster to deliver training and sessions can be booked through the Education Essex Online Booking System.
  3. You can access Level 2 training from an alternative provider. The Lead (Safeguarding) Practitioner is responsible for checking that the outcomes of the course match the Level 2 training outcomes set by the ESCB and that staff are aware of the Essex context for Safeguarding. A document, 'ESCB Safeguarding Training Levels 2021' details the required course outcomes and can be found in the 'Important Information section on the Learning and Development page of the ESCB website. The Lead (Safeguarding) Practitioner is responsible for checking the suitability of the course chosen as the Essex Safeguarding Team are not able to offer this service.

Resources to support in-house training

Below are a number of resources to support the delivery of Level 2 training within your own setting. There are a mixture of presentations, online learning courses and case studies.

The Essex Education Safeguarding Team offer an online training session to support the Lead (Safeguarding) Practitioner if they decide to deliver Level 2 training in-house. To access the training, search for ‘Safeguarding Level 2 training presentations for early years - Train the Trainer’ on the Education Essex Online Booking System.

Structuring and planning level 2 training

The 'Keeping Children Safe in Early Years' presentation below is the main Level 2 training presentation for all staff. We recommend that this is delivered annually to all staff and as part of the induction process for new staff.

To ensure that updates are provided regularly to staff through the academic year, the Lead (Safeguarding) Practitioner may want to plan a training schedule for all staff - a template that can be used to so this is below.


This should include a range of subject specific topics such as FGM, Prevent, and online safety. These update sessions could be delivered during staff meetings, at specific safeguarding training sessions, via the completion of online courses and via e-bulletins.


Level 2 training presentations

These videos from Children & Families may also be useful to complement your staff training programme:

PREVENT Duty Training has commissioned new Prevent Duty Training. The training includes 4 sub-courses:

Level 2 Safeguarding training schedule template

To ensure that updates are provided regularly to staff through the academic year, the Lead Practitioner may want to plan a training schedule for all staff.

Level 2 Safeguarding Training Certificate

Settings may wish to provide their staff with a certificate once they have completed the ECC Level 2 training, to evidence that they have accessed it.

Level 3 Safeguarding Training for Lead (Safeguarding) Practitioners and Childminders

In this section:

  • Who needs to access Level 3 training and how often
  • How to access Level 3 training
  • Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

Who needs to access Level 3 training and how often

All Lead (Safeguarding) Practitioners, Deputy Lead (Safeguarding) Practitioners and Childminders must undertake full Level 3 training every 2 years. During those 2 years, they must also update their knowledge and skills at regular intervals. This may include attending additional training on safeguarding issues as part of their Continuing Professional Development (CPD).

How to access Level 3 training

Level 3 training courses are not offered by ECC. You can choose a course from any provider, as long as the Lead (Safeguarding) Practitioner/Childminder deems the course to be suitable. The Essex Safeguarding Children's Board (ESCB) have a document entitled 'ESCB Training Levels' which sets out the expected outcomes for training levels, including Level 3, and may be helpful when reviewing course content. The document can be accessed under the 'Important Information' section on the ESCB Learning and Development page. The Lead (Safeguarding) Practitioner/Childminder would be responsible for checking the suitability of the course chosen as our team are not able to offer this service.

In Essex, our preferred provider is Juniper Education, as the course is delivered within the Essex context. The course is entitled “Designated Person for Child Protection in Early Years Settings - Safeguarding Level 3" or “Designated Person for Child Protection in Early Years Settings - Safeguarding Level 3 *CHILDMINDER SESSION” and you can search for it on the Juniper website.

Prevent awareness training: The Lead (Safeguarding) Practitioner/Childminder should undertake Prevent awareness training. Details of The Home Office training are within the Level 2 section above. The Educate Against Hate website also provides resources and training materials. Please note, WRAP training is not currently offered and currently no replacement has been announced. ​

Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

To meet the training requirements, as well as undertaking Level 3 training every 2 years, the Lead (Safeguarding) Practitioner/Childminder must update their knowledge and skills at regular intervals. This may be via e-bulletins, meeting with other Lead (Safeguarding) Practitioners/Childminders and by accessing CPD courses. The courses may be a mixture of subject specific courses and 'refresher' courses and can be accessed by any provider.

The Lead (Safeguarding) Practitioner/Childminder should keep a CPD training log to evidence the training undertaken to support their role.

Please see some options for CPD opportunities below:

ECC Early Years Safeguarding Forums: Attending the Safeguarding Forums run by the Education Safeguarding Team form part of a Lead (Safeguarding) Practitioners/Childminders CPD and provide an opportunity to speak with other The Lead (Safeguarding) Practitioners/Childminders if the face to face option is chosen. Upcoming forum dates and details on how to book can be found on the Essex Online Booking System.

Training courses: The Education Safeguarding Team 'Safeguarding Briefings' sign-post to various training opportunities from other providers, as well as any subject specific training sessions run by the team. Copies of previous briefings can be accessed here and details of up-coming training events can be accessed on the Essex Online Booking System.