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Growing tomorrow's childcare

Lease opportunity in Brentwood

An exciting opportunity has become available for a new 25 year lease on fully self-contained nursery premises at Hogarth Primary School in Brentwood.

In partnership with Discovery Educational Trust and Hogarth Primary School, EYCC are looking for a new or existing provider to deliver a 30 place early years and childcare facility for children from two years, commencing academic year 2024/2025.

The provider will enter into an annual funding contract with us to deliver a flexible range of FEEE places, meeting high quality standards.

The premises

The premises are ready to move into and, as well as the internal nursery area, the facility includes toilets, kitchen, office space and a large outside play area.

The nursery is fully air-conditioned and has its own entrance discrete from Hogarth Primary.

The lease (subject to approval from DfE/ESFA)

The lease will be between the Trust and the provider and will cost £20,000 per annum. This includes the leaseholder's contribution to the costs of the maintenance of common items.

An open day to provide potential applicants with the opportunity to view the site will be held on Wednesday 5 June 2024. Contact to arrange a visit.


Support is available through our Business Management Consultants who will be happy to offer information, advice and guidance as you develop your proposal. Please note that any requests for support must be made before the date specified in the timeline within the service specification document to allow time for information to be gathered. Please contact  


The Children’s Community Development Lead for your area will be happy to offer information around local childcare sufficiency and answer any generic questions you may have. Please contact

For more information around S106, please watch this video


Relevant Documents

Business plan guidance notes - Word, 123KB

Business plan - Word, 116KB

Cash flow template - Excel, 94KB

Hogarth Primary School Heads of terms - PDF, 212KB

Hogarth Primary School nursery provision service specification - PDF, 335KB

HPS nursery setting images - Word, 754KB

Lease application form - Word, 112KB

Quality assurance visit document - Word, 46KB

Termly monitoring form - Word, 37KB


More information and support around setting up a group provision can be found on the Setting up a group provision page.